Photographing the world around me has been an innate part of who I am for so long that I couldn’t even tell you when I started. I am a photographer as much as I am a daughter, a sister, a dog mom, a partner and a friend.
I was born into a Portuguese-American family on the east coast and was lucky enough to spend most of my childhood summers visiting my family in Portugal. I would spend hours and hours going through my vovo's (grandmother's) old family albums. Carefully spreading out the analog photos of years past across her dining room table. Asking her to re-tell the same old stories from before my time in hopes of absorbing every detail.
But, it wasn't until I experienced the sudden loss of my father at twenty years old that I learned just how fleeting and fragile life is. It's a painful truth that one day we wake up and the most important people in our lives, are gone. What's left behind are the memories, their legacy and their stories. It's the photos that keep them close, saudade is the love that remains.
"It's the photos that keep them close.
SAUDADE is the love that remains"
Orion Carloto